Floating Label in EditText Material Design Android
Hello Friends, This tutorial is about Floating Label (Like OLX android App) in Material design. Before Material design When user Tap on EditText then hint of editText was gone. But with the help of TextInputLayout hint text will move to top of EditText . First of all create new project in Android Studio. 1. After creating project open build.gradle(Module:app). 2. Add appCompact-v7 and design dependencies in build.gradle. dependencies { compile fileTree ( dir: ' libs ' , include: [ ' *. jar ' ]) compile ' com . android . support : appcompat - v7: 22.2 . 0 ' compile ' com . android . support : design: 22.2 . 0 ' } 3. Add EditText within TextInputLayout . < android . support . design . widget . TextInputLayout android: layout_width = "match_parent" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" > < EditText android: layout_width = "match_parent...